Category: Book Notes


The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle (Book Notes)

“The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment” by Eckhart Tolle is a book that can have a life-changing impact for many. Especially for people that live with regret, worry, anxiety, or struggle with racing thoughts and overthinking. The whole spectrum, basically. Eckhart Tolle maps out the journey towards “enlightenment” and the primary obstacle …

overcoming unwanted inthrusive thoughts

Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts by Sally M. Winston & Martin N. Seif (Book Notes)

I’d definitely place “Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts” among the books that had an actual positive impact on my life. As an extreme pragmatist, I always strived to dissect my worries into actionable steps. Although this works amazing most of the time, I sometimes got stuck in unecessarily long cycles of thought patterns. And only after …


The Art of War by Sun Tzu (Book Notes)

“The Art of War” by Sun Tzu stands as a timeless classic offering insights into ancient Chinese military tactics. The book’s concise maxims provide wisdom that’s not only applicable to the battlefield, but also to various aspects of modern life. These range from business and leadership all the way to interpersonal relationships. Below, you can …


Counsels and Maxims by Arthur Schopenhauer (Book Notes)

Today, I’ll share my notes from Arthur Schopenahuer’s “Counsels and Maxims”. Whether you’re a seasoned philosophy enthusiast or a newcomer to Schopenhauer’s ideas, I hope you can find some value in my short-format conclusions. Remember, this is neither a book review nor a summary. Just condensed notes for myself. My Notes from “Counsels and Maxims” …


The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz – Book Notes

Today, I’m going through my notes on “The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom” by Don Miguel Ruiz. The book outlines the author’s interpretation of the Toltec wisdom, simplifying it into four principles that are applicable in the modern day. I have to clarify that I don’t have inclinations to appreciate something just …


Meditations by Marcus Aurelius – Book Notes

Let’s explore the Stoic principles of virtue and resilience as I share my notes on the timeless wisdom found within the pages of Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations. Note: I’m a type of person that prefers extracting key lessons rather than delving into the finer details of experiences. That’s why I focus on capturing the essence of …