Category: Netherlands


Receive Tax Free Dividends in The Netherlands

If you’re a long-term index investor residing in the Netherlands, you can receive dividends tax free. Although I’m not a big fan of dividend investing, I still want to share some strategies that ETF investors can utilize without much effort. Basically, you’d leverage the tax treaties and tax codes of different countries to legally avoid dividend …


Linear vs Annuity Mortgage (The Netherlands)

Many expats in the Netherlands aren’t sure whether to get a linear mortgage or an annuity mortgage. In this post, I will explain the differences between linear vs annuity mortgages. This will allow you to avoid overspending on a cookie-cutter solution from a financial advisor. Annuity Mortgage Annuity mortgage is the most common type of mortgage in the …

investment dutch banks

Investment Costs with Dutch Banks (Full Comparison)

Investing through the Dutch banks is quite popular with investors from the Netherlands. This is mostly due to the ability for automatic periodic investments and tax optimization through the Northern Trust Funds. In this post, I’ll compare the costs of “the Big 3” Dutch banks: ING Bank, ABN Amro, and Rabobank. Assumptions: the Type of Investor …


Northern Trust Funds vs ETFs: Full Comparison

The Northern Trust index funds are quite popular with Dutch investors. Due to their low costs, tax optimization, and availability at the local banks, many investors from the Netherlands prefer the Northern Trust (NT) funds over ETFs. In this post, I’ll compare the total cost of a portfolio of NT funds with the alternatives. Northern …


Investment Taxes in ALL EU Countries

It’s here, ladies and gentlemen! After many hours of research, I compiled a list of all taxes relevant to European investors. For each EU, EEA, and EFTA country, I’m covering the following: Capital Gains Tax Rate Dividend Tax Rate Wealth Tax Rates Exit Taxes Note: this post is for individual investors. Not for workers or entrepreneurs. If …


Netherlands – File Your Tax Returns in 3 Steps

It’s that part of the year when reporting our taxes is due. If you feel overwhelmed understanding the Dutch tax system, you’re at the right place. Doing your tax returns in The Netherlands is actually not complicated at all. At the end, you need to report the following categories: Box 1 – Income tax Box …

box 3

Capital Gains and Wealth Tax in The Netherlands (Box 3 Taxes)

In this post I’ll explain how capital gains and wealth taxes work in the Netherlands. Let’s first cover the one that’s easier to explain. Capital Gains Tax in The Netherlands The capital gains tax in the Netherlands is 0%. Yup, you’ve read that right! Regardless of how much gains you realize, you pay nothing on …

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