50 Facts to Wake You Up From Oppression

--- by D. Petkovski ---

Dear reader, do you consider yourself free?

If you think paranoia is reserved for the most delusional echelon of conspiracy theorists, I invite you on a journey through 50 eye-opening reality checks.


You vs. The Government

1) The sole purpose of your existence, apart from reproduction for the sake of it, is to fund your government’s spending.

2) You don’t get to decide how the government spends. You just get a meaningless vote that steers the wheel slightly to the left or to the right.

3) Without having any say in it, around half of your salary is sent to the tax authorities before it even reaches your bank account. Whenever you’re negotiating a salary, you’re negotiating your contribution to the government’s budget. You learned to live with half of what you’re worth in the market, effectively working for free from January to June.

4) You’re paying “value added tax” with the already-taxed part of your salary.

5) If you take a risk with your already-taxed money and profit off of it, you’ll need to pay more money to the government.

6) If you inherit something that your ancestors worked hard to create and preserve (and were taxed on) you’ll need to pay more money to the government.

7) You’re not assigned an accountant to handle filing your mandatory tax returns. Either become proficient yourself or pay someone to do it for you from your already-taxed salary… Or lose even more of your freedom.

8) You’re financially punished if you work harder, and the proceeds are gifted to those that don’t. You accepted progressive tax as the norm.

9) You pay for property, waste, healthcare, car, road, pet, air, whatever taxes from money that were already taxed.

10) You, as a conscious human capable of making own decisions in a free society, can’t even opt not to pay the bribe and abandon the “benefits” that come out of it.

11) While you may or may not find yourself on the “tax the rich” bandwagon, tax-abusing criminals will successfully demand you to pay for their housing and mistakes. And they’ll succeed, because it’s in the best interest of the people you elect.

12) You’re forced to pay for services you don’t use, that don’t work, and employ intellectually challenged bureaucrats who almost always make mistakes when processing your forms… The consequences of which you bear alone and the phone line has an average waiting time of 3 hours.

13) You mistake your loss of freedom with “paying your fair share“.

14) You may have developed Stockholm syndrome over the years of oppression.

15) You were tricked into being a patriot.

You vs. The Central Bank

16) You were assigned a minor but mandatory role in the eventual fall of another empire – which always starts with government’s generosity and devaluation of its currency.

17) You earn in a currency that’s artificially created, with absolutely nothing backing its value apart from the promise that it’ll be worth something in the future.

18) You earn in a currency you can’t convert into anything outside the borders of your country or economic union.

19) Essentially, you exchange all your productivity for monopoly money.

20) The central bank can adjust the interest rates and the money supply, determining the value of everything you own.

21) Your choice is whether to go broke by overspending or oversaving. The FED is overflooding the economy with the same points you were accumulating for years, diluting the value of your share. A lifetime of effort inherited by your grandchildren would grant them a nice dinner, if even that. And you use these points as a point of reference when assessing your purchasing power.

22) You find yourself brushing facts as conspiracies, while the M2 money supply grows exponentially and it’s your compensation that doesn’t keep up with inflation.

23) You’re extremely susceptible to interest rate changes. Not because you’re gullible, but because you’re a part of the economy.

24) You didn’t decide to get a mortgage. The central bank lowered the interest rates and the lending requirements. You didn’t decide to wait another year. The central bank increased the interest rates and saving made a bit more sense on the levels of abstraction you’re operating in.

25) A sudden rate hike of only a percent could cost you your job, your home, or both.

26) You developed a destructive habit of counting cents and constant fear of being the last contributor in the ponzi scheme of social security.

27) You allow nice expressions to distract you. “Lower inflation” doesn’t mean lower prices. It means slower rate of currency devaluation compared to the previous year.

28) You trust that there is an institution, public or private, that has your best interest in terms of financial stability… That someone will take care of you when you’re old.

29) You have no idea what happened in 1971. You don’t really understand the law of supply and demand. You think the CPI bucket is constant. You spend a lifetime grinding for it, and still have misconceptions about money.

30) You’re a forced Keynesian and inadvertently Marxist.

You vs. The Society

31) The society doesn’t care about your contributions.

32) You continuously bear the consequences, financially and emotionally, of other peoples’ negligence, although you’re doing everything right.

33) You understood your insignificance through a gradual process of taming… Since your parents threw you in daycare.

34) You’re replaceable everywhere. You rent your time at a rate solely based on how many positions exist and how many people can do what you do.

35) You don’t do what you love. You’ve completely lost curiosity and are never accumulating currently impractical knowledge. You learned to prioritize needs to the extend that you completely disregard wants.

36) Sometimes, you have the thought that “life isn’t fair“ but proceed to distract yourself with mundane activities.

37) You still have financial issues or worries. You know that nothing is stable or guaranteed, but keep acting like it is.

38) You normalized complying with anything in exchange for a temporary safety net in case you lose your job.

39) You allowed someone else to decide which values your kids will have.

40) You’re an adult, and other adult men tell you how to live your life.

41) You neglected, partially or fully, physical training or any type of activity. Your posture got worse. Your character weakened too.

42) In 2020 and 2021, you were a crucial part of an experiment that showed how far the limits of obedience can be pushed. And you remained a lab rat ever since.

43) You’re always grinding in the lowest layer of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

44) You’re not getting the treatment you think you deserve. You feel underestimated by your partner, friends, and society in general.

45) Sometimes, you face the fact that it may not be a case of underestimation.

Summary: You vs. Yourself

46) You know these things are true but decide to close your eyes and move on.

47) You’re a laughing stock for the society you live in. And you accept it.

48) You’re almost treated as a slave by your government. And you like it.

49) You’re literally a puppet of the central bank. And you embrace it.

50) And in doing so, you betray yourself on ongoing basis.


The first step towards freedom is understanding your role in this world.

The importance of self-sufficiency and independence will materialize by itself.

At the end, the amount of options you have and assets you control are the only decisive factors of how free you’ll live your life.

You’re welcome.


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    • D. Petkovski

      D. Petkovski

      📓 The Author                                     👪 Husband & Father
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