

Market Efficiency (Efficient Market Hypothesis)

Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is the hypothesis that securities trade at their fair value i.e. their prices reflect all currently known information. In this post, I’ll explain how we determine if a market is efficient or not, in a beginner-friendly manner. Basically, it’s a matter of how fast trading activity reflects new information in prices. …


The 4 Year Cycle – Bitcoin Price Prediction ๐Ÿ“ˆ

“The 4 Year Cycle” is one of the most important posts you’ll ever read. I mean it. People that understood the cyclical nature of the markets will never struggle financially. In this post, I’ll explain the single most relevant indicator for Bitcoin’s price and how I used it to build a position with full conviction. …

index investing

Index Investing & Index Funds – A Gentle Introduction

Index Investing represents an investment strategy which aims to track the performance of a market index. Not “picking winning stocks”, not “timing the market”, not “beating the market”. This strategy is synonymous with matching the market – at least the one you choose to match. Index Funds An index fund is a special type of an …


How to Do What You Love

How to do what you love? After years of contemplating this question, I’m confident to say that I figured it out. And I can answer it in a single sentence. However, in order to relate to such an information-dense summary without misunderstanding it, we need to cover a lot of ground. I’ll start with the …


The Death of the Gold Standard – The Aftermath (Part 2)

In my previous post on this topic, I wrote about events in recent history that lead to the death of the gold standard. I’ll do a short recap and jump into the aftermath – what’s been going on after we went off the gold standard. The Gold Standard: Modern History These are the major events …

market index

Stock Market Index โ€“ Explanation and Examples

After publishing my post on ETFs I received many questions about how to approach picking one. Understanding stock market indices is crucial for this. In this post, I’ll cover what is an index and how to use one for your investment strategies. What is a Stock Market Index? Directly from Investopedia: A market index is …


Airdrops I’m Hunting or Received (Big List for 2024)

If you’ve read my last post on airdrops, you’re probably interested in what I’m currently positioning for. This post contains a list of projects with confirmed or probable potential for airdrops. Remember: this is just your starting point. If you’re interested in any of the listed airdrops, make sure to DYOR and figure out how …


Airdrops – The Real 0 to $100k Opportunity

An Airdrop represents a distribution of free crypto to users’ addresses. These distributions may be worth up to 6 figures and oftentimes require no financial investment. However, they’re rarely announced or guaranteed. As a veteran in the DeFi space and a recipient of tens of airdrops, I want to shed some light on the process. …

3 citizenships

How We Gave 3 Citizenships to Our Son (๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ, ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡บ, ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฐ)

We’re proud to have guaranteed the status of a world citizen to our son before he was even born. We did this by granting him 3 citizenships: Dutch, Hungarian, and Macedonian. Besides emotional and financial stability, we consider multiple citizenships the biggest gift for a newborn. With all the being said, here is how we …


CSPX vs VUSA vs IUSA – My Thoughts

A US ETF is usually the core of most investors’ portfolios. For Europeans, the questions of CSPX vs VUSA or VUSA vs IUSA often pop up. In this post, I’ll do my best to answer the trilemma and give my recommendation. CSPX Ticker symbols: CSPX, SXR8, CSP1; ISIN: IE00B5BMR087 CSPX (iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS …


Obstacles to Efficiency – Taxes, Price Controls, Trade Restrictions

Welcome to the third and last post of the Supply and Demand Series. The first two posts described the self-regulatiing nature of the free markets and their efficiency in maximizing revenue and benefit to society. In this post, I’ll talk about government intervention and regulation. Specifically, how government impositions make the markets less efficient by …


Bitcoin Block Reward Halving (Explanation & Price Impact)

The block reward halving is one of the key characteristics of Bitcoin. It’s extremely relevant both for ideologists and investors, so make sure to understand it. Introduction to Bitcoin Block Rewards All Bitcoin transactions are grouped into blocks, which are added to the blockchain through a process called mining. Each Bitcoin miner tries to be the fastest one to …

stock market

Why the Stock Market Always Goes Up?

You probably saw “the stock market” being portrayed as a “safe long-term” investment. But how is everyone so sure that the stock market will go up in the long run? Let me tell you my perspective. First of all, I’ve been investing for around a decade and made massive gains in multiple asset classes. The …


The Art of War by Sun Tzu (Book Notes)

“The Art of War” by Sun Tzu stands as a timeless classic offering insights into ancient Chinese military tactics. The book’s concise maxims provide wisdom that’s not only applicable to the battlefield, but also to various aspects of modern life. These range from business and leadership all the way to interpersonal relationships. Below, you can …

cash vs stocks

Cash vs Stocks in 30 Years

Cash or stocks – hoard or invest? This discussion comes up so often that an analysis post was due. While I don’t necessarily consider a 100% stock portfolio to be the best investing approach, it will definitely prove a point about assets outperforming cash over the long-term. Without further ado, let’s break down a case. …