

Consumer and Producer Surplus & Deadweight Loss

This post is an extension to Supply and Demand – an Introduction, where we explained supply and demand curves, equilibrium price and quantity, and aggregate supply and demand. In this post we’ll understand what consumer surplus and producer surplus are. Reminder Here are the supply and demand curves for a certain good X. As we can see in the picture, the …


The Death of the Gold Standard – What Happened in 1971 (Part 1)

The gold standard is a monetary system where a country’s currency or paper money has a value directly linked to gold. Investopedia, What is the Gold Standard? Throughout a major part of human history, gold was the only globally recognized unit of account. And it still has that status, as every system/country/empire agrees on its …

Lump-Sum Strategy (Time in the Market Done Right)

A lump-sum payment describes a payment that happens once, at a particular time, as opposed to multiple smaller payments over time. If you accumulated a somewhat large amount of savings, you might wonder how to put them to work. At the end of the day, if you just dump them in the market, there are countless …


Counsels and Maxims by Arthur Schopenhauer (Book Notes)

Today, I’ll share my notes from Arthur Schopenahuer’s “Counsels and Maxims”. Whether you’re a seasoned philosophy enthusiast or a newcomer to Schopenhauer’s ideas, I hope you can find some value in my short-format conclusions. Remember, this is neither a book review nor a summary. Just condensed notes for myself. My Notes from “Counsels and Maxims” …


Supply and Demand – An Introduction

The law of supply and demand is something that’s often referenced, but rarely understood. Even people with formal education in economics that can explain how it affected certain situations in the past can’t really apply the knowledge to forecast the future. In other words: this post can make you psychic, practically. Enjoy this gentle introduction …


DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging) – Investment Strategy Explained

Cost averaging (DCA or dollar cost averaging) is an investment strategy for investing capital over time. It can be especially valuable to beginners that determined their asset allocation but still looking for an entry point for the actual purchase. This post will describe one of the best and time-tested strategies of deploying cash. What is Dollar …

byzantine generals problem

The Byzantine Generals Problem – Simple Explanation

The Byzantine generals problem is a distributed computing problem introduced in 1982, in a paper of the same name. In this post, I’ll give a simplified summary of a formulation of the problem. Then, I’ll explain how the Bitcoin blockchain and its use of Proof of Work solves it in practice. The Byzantine Generals Problem: …


SGA Preterm Baby – First Trimester Progress

Some time ago, I wrote a post about the birth of my son. In summary: he was born prematurely and was classified as SGA (small for gestational age). In this post, I’ll share his achievements and stats during his first trimester of independent life. ❤️ Day Zero (Preterm SGA Stats at Birth) Our little hero …


Preparation for EigenLayer’s Restaking Unpause (Airdrop Opportunity ๐Ÿช‚)

EigenLayer announced that they’re unpausing restaking on 29th of January. I already feel sufficiently exposed to EigenLayer’s contracts, but decided to do one last deposit. As they’re integrating new LSTs (liquid staked tokens), I spent some time evaluating which ones to use. If unfamiliar, I recommend learning about restaking, as it’s a completely new and revolutionary narrative …


Protect Your Seed Phrase (10 Tips to Secure your Crypto)

Having control over your seed phrase is equivalent to having control over your crypto. I already covered the importance of self-custody before, so if you’re reading this post, make sure to know the basics. With that being said, let’s dive into how you can protect your seed phrase and increase the security of your crypto assets. …


๐Ÿปโ›“๏ธ, Sudoswap, EigenLayer, Airdrops, and More (2024-01-12)

Some readers liked to read my day in the life of a crypto investor, so here’s another edition of it. Today, I was also exploring the depths of DeFi and I’ll share my activities. Disclaimer: the things I’m doing aren’t necessarily my strong convictions nor I’m promoting them. I’m just sharing how I spent my day. …


The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz – Book Notes

Today, I’m going through my notes on “The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom” by Don Miguel Ruiz. The book outlines the author’s interpretation of the Toltec wisdom, simplifying it into four principles that are applicable in the modern day. I have to clarify that I don’t have inclinations to appreciate something just …

ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds)

If you heard about ETFs but don’t completely understand what they are, you’re at the right place. So, what is an ETF? What are ETFs? Let’s start with breaking down the acronym first. Maybe it will answer more questions than only what it stands for. ETF stands for Exchange Traded Fund. Exchange traded, as it …


The SEC Approved the Spot Bitcoin ETF

We’re witnessing history being made, ladies and gentlemen! The spot Bitcoin ETF is now approved in the US. Here’s the SEC’s statement. The main reason for this update are my 2024 predictions where the Bitcoin ETF approval was the first one. Four more to go! These are the ETFs’ providers and tickers: iShares (BlackRock) – …


Accumulating vs Distributing ETFs

Choosing accumulating vs distributing ETFs is a dilemma many new investors face when starting to invest. If you’re still learning, you might be somewhat confused about the meaning of these terms. And you’re at the right place! Difference Between Accumulating vs Distributing ETFs The main difference between accumulating and distributing funds is the way they …